Dealerships with bad credit no co-signer

do you know where i can find a $1,000 car that is inspected, in good shape, one that doesn’t brake down every other week, use oil, and doesn’t need any work???:rant: im not rich (obviously) and im not saying that anyone else on here is either, but i can’t fucking afford to get a $1,000 car that is going to need work every other week, if i wanted that i would keep the car that i have now. im sorry if im sounding like i don’t give a fuck about what your saying but like i said i don’t have the money to go out and buy a “beater car.” I believe that i said that i don’t like the payment method nor the total amount for the car but it’s all i can do for now. if you know where i can get a $1,000 car that is in good running shape let me know.:stick: