dear biged88

you suck. fwd burnouts suck. doing fwd burnouts, and assclowning at a place we all meet at is retarded. here is a how-to video for you to watch to make your burnouts all the more sweeter.

instructions being given by none other than the beast. enjoy.


thank you, thank you.

i <3 le beast

studded snows?

haha i cant wait to finish mine.

yup, studded snows.

the even more awesome part of this is the fact that the car leaks gas as well. and he just did a burnout with studded snows lol

oh the beast


i was at taffys when you were messing with it. lol

wizzle… wazzle?

figure it out. fahg.

i have 1 thing to say.

“eye of the tiger”
