Dear Diary, Jackpot!


A bunch of 17 year old high school girls all decided to get pregnant together.,8599,1817272,00.html


bunch of whores, more kids not ready to have babies, just what the world needs.

a bunch a lil ctnewmans runnin around soon. :slight_smile:

i was following this last week, the one was desperate enough that she got knocked up by a 24 year old homeless guy. Wish they had pics…

hmmmmm k

from the thread preview, and title, I thought they had all shared the same “pot”, or semen sample. Which in retrospect sounded better then the actual outcome.

im thinking u have already banged the chick in your sig lol

in for pic of the girls :tup:

ew no.

maybe if she was 16


didn’t read the article, but I think they said on the news that one girl even had sex with a hobo.


hahaha… YIKES.

fuck i could been that homo!

EDIT: hobo


What is going on in high schools today?

must be puttin something in the milk


“I think that ol’ gal swallered a watermelon seed.”


i was just saying how i wanted to anonymously impregnate a bunch of HS girls and send them packing.

That wasn’t too far away from where I live :slight_smile: