LOL I feal so bad but I could not stop laughing for at least 20 min
Sooo I was driving and there was a pond on the road in the right lane I had no where to go but just hit that pond at about 40mph and there was a older guy walking on the sidewalk at the same time … I know I destroyed him… H e did how ever have on rain gear or he could have been just that wet that it looked glossy
OT: FU lady in the black hummer that needed to go 20mph to get to the red light,
in the process driving within 2’ of my handlebar and soaking my ass while I was riding the motorcycle Tuesday.
I did this to a guy on Hertle a few years back. The dumbass opened his door just as I drove by. My passenger saw him, and the inside of the door and windshield, get covered in brown slop. :lol:
I have always wanted to do this but never given the chance to…although I have a feeling if I did do it I would feel like crap… :tdown: to you Michael Bruce…