Dear Pittspeeders

Dear PITTspeed,

I have been watching you very closely
to see if you have been good this year
and since you have I will be telling my elves
to make some goodies for me to leave under
your tree at Christmas.
I was going to bring you all
gifts from the 12 days of Christmas,
but we had a little problem.
The 12 fiddlers fiddling have
all come down with VD from fiddling with
the 10 ladies dancing,
the 11 lords leaping have knocked up
the 8 maids a-milking, and the
9 pipers piping have been arrested
for doing weird things to the
7 swans a-swimming.
The 6 geese a-laying,
4 calling birds,
3 French hens,
2 turtle doves
and the partridge in a pear tree
have me up to my sled runners in bird shit.
On top of all this!
Mrs. Claus is going through menopause,
8 of my reindeer are in heat,
the elves have joined the gay liberation
and some people who can’t read a calendar
have scheduled Christmas for the 5th of January.
Maybe next year I will be able
to get my shit together and bring you the things you
This year I suggest
you get your asses down to Walmart
before everything is gone.


you really do need to be banned for a short period of time. In this time, you will find interesting and funny things to post. And by interesting and funny, I DO NOT mean dumb and retarded, which has been your posting repertoire as of late. failure to find good content during your ban should be met with account deletion and castration.

Hey Darkstar, I’m thinking you’re buying you underwear too small or something. Loosen up.

Merry Christmas

i think darkstar hates christmas

i think its cause he is afraid of santa :smiley:

Havent seen a decent thread from you in nearly 6 months




The dude abides that bunny says your a fucktard :kekegay:

i think the syphillis you got from room 216 is starting to make you delirious.

the herpes where from a Older kittanning lady 3 years ago, the syphillis just made it worse.