Dear TC driver that wishes he had a GTR *PIC*

i lol’d at “pimp parking”. I’m going to start using that in casual conversation.

I would have parked on top of it with my truck.

LOL +1, I saw this car on deleware a few days ago and thought it was a white evo x from a distance. Then it got closer and I saw it was a tc.


Paulo, I like you. However…why start a thread like this when just a couple short years ago, WNY had to see you toting around in this:

Paulo, who the hell are you to talk about the aesthetics of anyone’s front end?



None of which you would be able to read.

I saw this in a parking ramp downtown last night. I didn’t think it looked that bad.

i think the car looks pretty good

just a fag way to park tho

and im guessing i probably have more education then you, sorry i dont use the spell check button and spend all my life on nyspeed to make sure my grammur is right… ( we can play a game where ill mess up every sentance and you can correkt it for me)

i have always hated those hoods.

Car looks better than stock.

Parking sucks.


LOL. True but I made that poor decision in high school. God I hate that I used to own that bumper…

Also, I never parked my economy car across two spots. Which is more what this is about. Like stated previously, I did like the car. Just not the paint scheme.

Dont lie, it sucks and so do people who try to be baller in their economy car, Big T-Down

Dear guy that probably parks his car across two spaces like a tool, I’m glad you had nothing better to do than open this thread, read it, and take the time to respond to it while trying to say that I wasted time.

What else would I do on a Saturday afternoon?!?!?


And to be honest, I miss that car so much, just not the bumper… lol

parking job sucks

i see this thing on a regular basis parked downtown weekend nights in the ramp between pearl and franklin just south of chippewa…looks ok i guess, but still not my thing.

and i’ll never ever understand why people without a boosted car, or without a modified (other than appearance-wise) car at all feel the need for a-pillar gage pods…wtf do they put there? clocks for every time zone?

GOD damn how stupid can you be…because things like oil pressure/temp water temp voltage EGT are all pointless