Dear Jessica,
You are a fucking head-case. I broke up with you for a reason. Do not ocntinue calling me and texting me. Stop accusing me of stealing your shirt that you gave me. I doubt that you’re ever going to find anyone to put up with your shit, because I certainly put up with it a lot longer than 99% of the population would. Stop.
Dear Mandy,
You’re the biggest regret I have. I wish I could go back three years and not have been such a fuck up and thrown away a great relationship because I was selfish and partying was more important than you.
Dear Shaina,
I don’t know why I broke up with you. You are smoking hot and love sex. Everywhere. What was wrong with me? Oh yeah that’s right I couldn’t stand talking to you on the phone and listening to you cry to me for hours about stupid shit. Cry literally. See someone