Debt consolidation

Anyone have any suggestions for debt consolidation programs?

from what i have heard dont do it, there is a upfront fee for this and it goes on your credit report the same as filing bankruptcy. either try to pay them off on your own or just file bankruptcy

Pay it off. quite being a pussy. you owe it

The consolidation stuff sounds too good to be true. Like anything else that is too good to be true, I probably would not trust it. Just make some sacrifices and pay it off. It will be better for you in the end. If you do the consolidation thing, you will just have one person calling you about making your payments instead of 3 or 4. Plus, I have heard it doesn’t really save you any money in the long run. Just pay it off and cut up your credit cards.

Don’t do it. Pay off the high interest bills first then tackle the lower interest bills after that.

just sacrifice and pay them off. takes way way too long with a consolidation company.

Are we talking credit card debt? Most credit card companies will work with you… suspend overlimit fees and late fees, give you a break on the interest temporarily… they lose out a lot when they have to sell your account to a collection agency. This is assuming you’re not already in collections. If you are, you’re credit is fucked anyways… most collection agencies pay pennies on the dollar for your debt so they will work with you to settle, sometimes for half as much as you actually owe. Then at least it will show up as paid on your credit report and you can start healing it.