Dec 19 Meet

Just wondering if anyone would liek ot meet on Friday Dec 19 for a few beers? Last horra before the new year? I was thinking of meeting at Hudson’s on 104ave? The Ducks are playing the Oil on PPV and I am sure they will be showing the game. Let me know if anyone is interested. I wouldn’t mind getting slightly pasted that night. LOL

I’ll try to make it out.

If I have it off I’ll be there.

I’ll be on the road to the arctic!

i should be able to make it out

i have it off but ill be in VEGAS baby!

sorry guys…

I work that night so won’t be out

Sorry, I probably won’t be out either. Have to make sure everything is ready this week for the GF daughter to stay for a few weeks.

So just 1 person so far? LOL

That’s what happened to me. hahaha

hey hey…i showed up last time too… i just apprently was blind…not sure if i can come to this one yet but ill let ya know

That’s ok, I think I’m going to cancel since no one is interested.

ok well sorry stuff didnt work out… in theory its a kick ass idea… christmas just kinda messes up plans for most ppl

Well we will have to get a drunkin party night together some time in the new year :smiley:

Actually no one likes you Dennis! :laugh: jk

jk eh?

you guys hurt my feeling

Haha, looks like I didnt miss out on too much.
If theres on come January though I’ll try and make it out, but I might not be sporting a Nissan burger!