decided to get an education(sorta)

I’ve actually made up my mind for what I want to do in life…(hopfully)

I’m going to attend ATS heavy equipment opperator school down in south carolina.

It’s a 12 week program 5 days a week and after you finish you get your construction certification and are pretty much garrenteed a job anywhere in the U.S

I’m going to attend the 1st stage of 3 weeks next month, then finish the rest up in spring.

I’m really excited because I’ll be able to work spring-fall and still race in the winter…

Comments welcome…

My buddy just did that, the pay is decent and he got a job right away. Goodluck to you!

^ what do you consider decent pay, this sounds like something I should tell my cousin about

I think starting pay for an operator is around $30/hr…

But if you get in the union or work for a private company that pay rises a ton

Yeah he’s at a private company making $36/hour. I consider that pretty decent for the short amount of schooling but he also had experience in the field before.

You’ve got to do something you enjoy doing, and if this still gives you time to race, :tup:

good call.

The only way your going to get decent pay as a equipment operator in this area is if you become a member of the local international union of operating engineers. Pay would be based upon the work you are performing, and experience. Local 17 has their own apprentice program which I can bet is not easy to get into unless you know someone. Operators on our jobsite make which is 31.72/hr which is a class A rate with a hazardous work premium. As a apprentice you would probably make much less, say 20/hr. If you were a nonunion apprentice I would say you would make maybe 10/hr.

I would try to get some information from Local 17 if you looking to come back to this area and work.

^ I know the president of that union very well and it would be hard for even myself to get in;

You might want to check your assumptions. 3 months of school being the only requirement for a career with a $60k starting salary doesn’t really sound reasonable does it? There has to be a catch. I think one of your false assumptions is ever being guaranteed a job anywhere.

The good news is that I think Poopra pretty much spelled it out for you. That doesn’t mean don’t do it, just be prepared that it might take a lot longer and require a lot more work to get there.

Good luck!

Like I said my buddy had experience in the field for I think about 5 years so when he went to school he already knew the business. He moved to NC from Rochester for his job but the pay is good.

Q. What kind of wages can a heavy equipment operator make?
A. Wages will vary between companies and location. Associated Training Services’s job placement department has an average of $15.00 an hour for entry level employment. Job placement through Associated Training Services is at 80% and running strong. Potential wages for a heavy equipment operator on average are $25.00 to $30.00 an hour. This industry is in high demand and an excellent career opportunity for those looking into the heavy equipment operation.

hrm. update this, i work with lots of rural HS students in the south that might find this appealing :tup:

Here’s the down side- I’ve heard (no expert by any means) that its pretty rough on your kidneys. so the dialyasis at age 45 might kinda suck. I thought about this line of work back in the learly 90’s and was warned off it. Might be something to at least check into


Here’s the down side- I’ve heard (no expert by any means) that its pretty rough on your kidneys. so the dialyasis at age 45 might kinda suck. I thought about this line of work back in the learly 90’s and was warned off it. Might be something to at least check into


from the vibration, or from having to hold it all day?


from the vibration, or from having to hold it all day?


pretty sure its from breathing exhaust fumes all day…



Here’s the down side- I’ve heard (no expert by any means) that its pretty rough on your kidneys. so the dialyasis at age 45 might kinda suck. I thought about this line of work back in the learly 90’s and was warned off it. Might be something to at least check into


I guess that would depend on what kind of equipment your operating. If you operating a vibratory roller for 30 years I think it would definately put a hurtin on your body. I doubt you will be operating the same piece of equipment for your employment.