deff not gettin a new camaro now

Who here likes lesbian porn?

your an idiot

im more into the dildo scenes or or the reverse cowgirl scenes :thumbup

Theres a difference between lesbian porn and two guys banging each other in the butt.

And in reality most lesbians are pretty disgusting. Maybe like one set out of 200 or so is actually somewhat hot. The rest are fat and gross bull dykes.

Your right I think Commercials should be gender neutral and aiming towards sexuality is reaching…

You do see ALOT of bulldykes in this area BUT honestly I have seen majorly beautiful women that are lesbians. I had this friend Bean out west in Colorado she was as KewL as shit adn she brought me to a Lesbian Bar called the L, I had no idea it was a Lesbian bar and I got so much shit from so many women in there I was like what the Hell was this BUT she jumped in and gave this speech to Alot of them saying you want to be excepted and when one person walks in here that doesnt give a shit about your sexual preference you give him shit, the real assholes are you. and Wow I was friggen impressed and they whole attitude changed in the bar and What a Friggen Night Honestly there were soooo many Hot women in there you couldnt believe it BUT I a crazy good time and eventually became friends with many lesbians.

Yes there is a Difference between Lesbian Porn and Two Guys, The only Difference is you dont mind watching the Lesbians. Funny thing is when you watch regular porn you basically watch a guys dick while he plows some pornchick…lmao but thats KewL because its not gay? hahahaha

Yea i understand what your saying. I’m comfortable sexually and I dont care about seeing another guys dick as long as there’s also a vagina.
Im just not OK with guy on guy action. Its fucked up. It disturbs me that a guy can lower himself to being THAT perverse. Its directly against the grain that is our genetic wiring. I dont understand how any guy can do that and call himself a man…fuck no

I hear you I myself dont understand it either but honestly I dont care I just let people be who they are and just keep going forward

Behind closed doors…not my business

WORD !!!

But the whole gay pride sticker and parade thing kinda kills the behind closed doors thing because theyre not quiet about sodomizing each other.

I mean straight people dont have straight pride stickers, flags or parades.

Of course they do…Shocker, I see the two for the pink and one for the stink sticker everywhere

Hey! lesbians do that too!!

2 in the snap 1 in the crap

dont bother man, black people have been around forever alos and everyone on this site always has something to say about them too…ignorance is bliss

hah point taken

a lot of ignorant hicks in this thread…

you don’t have to be an ignorant hick to have a negative view of some particular people of particular races or to even be a racist.

Forget what they AIMed a part of there campaign towards for one moment and just watch this for less than 5 minutes.

Just because people dont like turd tappers doesnt mean theyre ignorant.