ah… so that’s how the game works… when i play the old EA NHL games, I turn penalties off and go to town…
best options in hockey games.
Penalties On/Off
Icing On/Off
Line Changes On/Off
Fighting On/Off
im sure a person on your level of mental comprehension will have no problem picking up the rules to a game that a bunch of silly canadians invented. I mean come one, theyre canadians. They’re only contribution to the world is hockey and beer that is slightly less watered down than American swill.
i’m no fan of Canadian beer…
Belgian whites = my beers of choice…
Hoegaarden > all
a few of my friends play in adult leagues at AIRPORT ICE ARENA!
I like Labatt Blue if I’m in a light beer drinking mood. I’m more of a Bass fan. Guieness is a bit too rich for me, but I get a hankering for it every once in a while. Yuengling Black and Tan is pretty damn good too.
German Crystalweisen > ALL
chad and i are going to stick time at Bladerunners in Harmarville tomorrow night if its when we think it is. anyone wants to join us, feel free.
you mean pickups
ummm there are teams all over the place. i may be on a team at southpointe in the winter, but noit sure cause thats when my regular season for CAL is going on