Delaware State Univ Shooting
Delaware State University canceled classes Friday as police searched for a suspect in the shooting of two students.
DOVER, Delaware CNN) – Police combed the Delaware State University campus on Friday for a man who shot two students, leaving a woman in a “potentially life-threatening” condition, a school spokesman said.
The university was on lockdown after the shootings near the Memorial Hall sports arena, which university police said were reported Friday at 12:54 a.m. ET .
“Until the suspect is apprehended, students, faculty and staff are being directed to remain in their buildings until further notice,” a school statement said.
The female student was shot twice; the male was shot once, said spokesman Carlos Holmes. They were taken to Bayhealth Medical Center in Dover, Delaware’s capital.
Several law enforcement agencies were aiding the search, he said. police respond after the shootings »
Police “are developing some leads,” Holmes said. “They seem to be making some progress and we’re hoping for an arrest soon.”
Commuter student Eduardo Rivera, 25, of Milford, told The Associated Press that he had considered the campus safe.

“I’m shocked,” Rivera told AP Friday as he arrived at the shut-down school. “I don’t expect to hear something like this when I’m trying to go to class – it’s weird.”
No one is being allowed in or out of campus dormitories while university and city police pursue the suspect, the school statement said. The school houses about 1,700 students.
Police said they planned to interview the victims for more information, according to AP. “We haven’t had a chance to talk to them yet, and that’s probably a big reason why the suspect is still at large,” said Holmes on KYW-TV, according to AP.
Immediately after the shooting, Holmes said, the university posted “timely warning notifications” in residential halls, on Web sites and on campus phone messages.
“Any time you pick up a phone you automatically hear a message that lets you know the situation,” Holmes said. “We’ve used everything we have at our disposal.”
University personnel and students can check the status of the situation on the campus Web site at and by calling (302) 857-7669.
An investigation report released in August criticized officials at Virginia Polytechnic Institute after the shooting deaths of dozens of students on April 16. An independent investigative panel that released its assessment concluded that more timely and specific information by Virginia Tech officials might have saved lives.
Seung-Hui Cho, 23, killed 32 students and staff at Virginia Polytechnic before killing himself. Seventeen others were wounded in the shootings.
The university was struck by tragedy last month when three teens who were either enrolled at Delaware State or in the process of doing so were shot to death execution-style in a Newark, New Jersey, school yard. Another teen was wounded.
The university was founded in 1890 as the State College for Colored Students, a land grant college for agriculture and mechanical arts. The school now considers itself diversified.
The 400-acre main campus is located on the north side of Dover, Delaware’s capital.
Delaware State University is about two hours away from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Maryland; and Washington, and three hours away from New York City

is this school in the ghetto? because that would explain everything

This shit is getting out of hand…

We were talking about school shootings in class the other day. A pretty good point was made when the professor said, “I don’t understand what some of these students are thinking (meaning the victims). Look at this class, 30 students mostly male and myself. Now if a gunman came in the room why would you get under your desk or just sit their?!? You know he is going to open fire if we all charged at him we would easily be able to get him down and prevent anything else. Obviously a few people would get shot and possibly killed, but that was inevitable as soon as the gunman walks in the door.”

I see where he’s coming from. A bunch of adults always just seem to sit their like sheep and get slaughtered.

I was under the impression that at VT the students and teachers did try to fight back?

Because somebody’s gotta be in front. Who the fuck is going to run AT someone with a gun. You run the other way, in a zig-zag fashion.

But seriously :picard: :wtf: :bloated:

Exactly. Unless I had a gun too (which NY’s insane paperwork to get a carry permit make very unlikely) chances are I’d be one of the survivors hobbling around on crutches talking to the reporter about how I jumped out of the window the instant the guy with the gun came through the door. Unless there is someone I REALLY care about, like my wife or daughter in that room, it’s every man for himself.

:word: I’d charge him in a heartbeat… As long as I’m at least 3 bodies deep in the mob.

I’m not saying i’d be the first guy to charge, but i’d rather do something the just let the person start getting his or her kill/death ratio through the roof.

Sure. I’d throw rocks at him from behind a tree or something. :gotme:

Look, I would have no problem taking cover and returning fire if I had a gun on me. In this state though they’ve pretty much guaranteed that the only person to have a gun in one of these situations is the crazed gunman, and the police who show up when it’s all over. Your best option for taking on the guy with a gun when you’re unarmed is to run, and inform someone who is armed about the guy. That’s what “civilized” society has reduced your options to.

Unless you live in Texas. Then 10 people pull out their guns and fill the guy full of holes before his first casing hits the ground.



first VT now delaware state… you are an asshole zong


Your best option for taking on the guy with a gun when you’re unarmed is to run, and inform someone who is armed about the guy. That’s what “civilized” society has reduced your options to.


I’m with you on this one. We are our own worst enemy for quite a few things.

No sales tax in Delaware… that explains it all.



aw sweet, 3 day weekend :tup:


is this school in the ghetto? because that would explain everything


And they all wear baggy pants :uhh:

The answer to both questions is NO! :stuck_out_tongue:





They didn’t even die.