Delivering flowers is a Gross job!

My mother delivers flowers for a local store.
She came upon a house in a local neighborhood, and noticed a blood spattered on the sidewalk. The flesh was still frozen on the walkway :puke: Knocked no answer :confused: .
The next door neighbor came over and told her the details :puke: x 290210220246124

22 y/o Male commited suicide outside the resident, staggered inside fell upon the stairway in the house.

Flowers were ordered by who??? :dunno: but my mother can’t handle that stuff like me or my dad… I feel bad though.

Useless info but decided to share my day w/ you people…

wow i’m 22 y/o and still live w/ my parents. geeez did i get a lecture on suicide :dunno: why I LOVE LIFE!!!

No pewter my mother did not get pictures:( :tounge: :smiley:

sad story son!!!BUT WE ALL:love: U!!!

Originally posted by Shaggy
No pewter my mother did not get pictures:( :tounge: :smiley:
WASN’T going to ask,cause of the saddnest!!!:frowning:

the only funny part, she thought the dog or cat dragged a mouse or a rabbit. Onto the sidewalk ( my dog has done that numerous times ). :ugh: seeing human flesh is down right disturbing…


Originally posted by 1320

wow i bet you had a hard day @ ups

Lifting boxes :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Shaggy
wow i bet you had a hard day @ ups

Lifting boxes :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

LOL… i dont lift boxes… Ive been management there for almost 5 years.

Originally posted by 1320
LOL… i dont lift boxes… Ive been management there for almost 5 years.


blew his way to the top!!!:bj:

Originally posted by Shaggy


Originally posted by 1320

am i stopping over tonight?

Originally posted by Shaggy
am i stopping over tonight?

not unless you want the beat down of your life. </toughguy>

Originally posted by 1320
not unless you want the beat down of your life. </toughguy>

ha we already been through this… I prevailed in the end

:tommytoughnuts::blue: :blue: :booty:


Originally posted by Pewterss

S & W .40 cal 15 rd clip… :wink:

you might shoot your eye out …kid

i cantt help but feel responsible… if me and shaggys mom hadnt have met up for that quickie those flowers would have been on time…


Originally posted by 1320
S & W .40 cal 15 rd clip… :wink:
lockedincar!:frowning: :wink:

Originally posted by Pewterss
lockedincar!:frowning: :wink:

never again :mad: :mad: :mad: