Demonoid Moves Site, Registration is Open

Demonoid has moved from a .com domain to a .me domain and right now has open registration. If You weren’t a member before now would be a good time to sign up.

Article on the switch:

Signing up now, just awaiting my activation email.

:tup: to you good sir!

demonoid has gone quite down hill imo

Registration closed. Poop.

Down Hill How?

Need An Invite? If So PM me

[QUOTE=ProgRocker;3139077]Down Hill How?

that the content isnt what it used to be, also with speed. private sites are where things are going

I dunno content seems good to me? Speed doesn’t have anything to do really with the site, unless you mean page load times. I think Demonoid might have lost a few uploaders the last time the site went down.

Private sites are OK but from what I’ve found have dumb/strict rules.

Download speeds have greatly slowed which sucks. Also private sites are not bad unless you are a leech and simply hit and run. It makes sense to have those rules or this system would not exist at all

The quality has not gone down at all, i think there has been maybe 4 things i’ve not found on it. Also if you need an invite i have them as well.
Also the speeds are pretty fast, I never have an issue there.

i got invite codes as well.

I haven’t experienced any slower than normal speeds…? Maybe it’s just you… b/c I downloaded PS CS5 at 1.2 mb/s on base time warner. Took me 30 minutes…

well thats one torrent. just in my usage I havent been impressed, its no where near what it used to be

So you wait an extra 5 hours for something free and want to complain about it?

At least demonoid is actively trying to stick around.

i <3 demonoid, they always have such a good amount of hard to find music, and lots of FLAC files

No need to get all defensive, we’re all open to our own opinions. I used to like demonoid but now I’ve moved to private sites and like it there

Again speeds are dependent on the seeder and the amount of seeds, as well as your personal connection. Demonoid doesn’t host any of the files themselves

Leechers has begun to be a large issue on there

PM an invitation code someone?

wtf, guess your old account doesn’t transfer (late to the party crew checking in) who has an invite? :x:

If you go to the .com address and click to be forwarded to .me, your account will work.

I have no idea why this is the case. I hope I can actually log in when the move is complete.