Design me a new logo!

I’m looking to push more advertisements this year and needless to say, my MS paint Logo will not suffice.

Help me design a new one NY speed, and you can get paid! I’m willing to pay $100

Must include Clever Construction or Clever Sales and Service. I’d prefer to keep my color combination and something like the logo I currently have, but I’m open to options.

Let me know what you can do for me via PM.



Contact Vroom. She made me a few good ones not seen in the thread.

Or Dozr, he designed the NYSpeed logo :tup:

I accept paypal


^^^ HAHA!

I used a crowd source website to design my logo. It worked out well for me, but you should shell out a few more bucks of you want something nice.

Probably could have done a little better on the slogan, but I still giggled.

I figured I’d give someone whos good with photoshop or something on nyspeed a chance to have some part money.

But I probably will have to.

Omg I just about shit with the jurassic park logo

Talk to Mike93 if you want a legit logo. :tup:

Lol @ Ryan



my wife does this stuff for a living, she’d probably do it for 100 bucks. if you’re serious, pm me about it.

Need more lol’s

I think this is the winner so far…

let me know if you’d like to be put in contact with the graphic designer who did my logo.

(logo is for graphic design example purposes only, I don’t advertise on this sight and would appreciate if people didn’t contact me regarding my business. gotta be a good neighbor)


---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 AM ----------


Shifty I really like your second one. Now make a funny one, you’re ruining the thread!