Desktop suggestions v.notasballeraszwarbyt

obviously i’m moving out and as i get packing, i realize i just sent my laptop out for service and have NO clue when it will be back (if ever, toshiba POS)

so i need to pickup a new desktop. i’d prefer pre-assembled since i don’t really have the time to put one together. i started throwing together some old parts for one and i realized its soooooooooooooo slooooooooooooooooow. so i figure might as well grab one pre-packaged.

this DOES NOT have to be anything super mega-bling, as i don’t do much gaming. big needs are: memory (at least 150gb HD, prefer 1gb RAM), dvd read and prefer writeable as well

shit, it doesn’t even need to have a monitor, speakers, keyboard, or mouse as i’m pretty set with that…unless my dual video card happens to fall into it and i could do dual wides ala zwarbyt bliiiiiing :wink:

came across this at circuit today, and it seemed pretty solid for what i need:

for about $515 after taxes and rebates, i’d get that computer, an extra 512 stick of RAM, a printer, and another 19" widescreen LCD to match my existing one…which i think seems pretty fair

seem pretty solid? anyone know of any other good deals around? hookups? bueller?

Looks like a decent system.If you do get it,buy a cheap video card for it because onboard video sucks…even if you dont play games.Motherboard does have PCI-E slots which is nice.

On a budget you can get Acers with good performance for a good price.

BTW I hate Emachines the powersupplys suck and blow the motherboards all the time.




I can get deals through dell, but you’re gonna have to spend a little more money than that…

I got one for sale Im not sure if it supports dual monitors but its a fast computer


I <3 emachines… I was told by alot of people here that they sucked. I traded Jon my xbox for one and it was the best/most stable machine I’ve ever owned. Never had a single problem with it (other than the NIC card going bad… which already had a long run as it was).

I’d deffinitly buy one again if I was looking for a machine on a budget

Hey, you can luck out.

You can also buy a toyota that sucks shit too, but the general norm is that they are reliable (toyotas).

good point

Speaking of Emachine I was just working on one today…

Power supply took out the motherboard…w00t. Thats atleast 4 since last week.


IMO, great deal for ~600 after rebates with everything…

:tup: not too shabby