Detailed AE86

<3 AE86s, theyre so beautiful, especially levin converted hatchbacks with a 7mgte… pure sex

Nice pictures… the car isn’t show quality though. The paint on the panels is all a slightly different shade. LOL

the rear wheels aren’t as much of a fail offset, but they are still pretty ugly, tucked and small is the only type of wheel that should ever touch a corolla…

nice motor work though, what is the silver box on the left front corner for?

Air intake box in the right coolant overflow bottle on the left…

I love the first ae86, great work, attention to quality, the rims that mark hates look great it makes the car look more modern.

^ It’s supposed to be oldschool!!

that’s like giving someone’s wise ole grandpa some new hip gear with the ipods & DC shoes, the ripped jeans and “^ The Man, The Legend V” t-shirt…

most of the time, it wont be cool @ all, let the man keep his loafers haha.

thats a really bad analogy

Take a piece of shit old muscle car. Sure it had a giant engine with ‘torque’ but it would do a 1/4 mile no better than a 90s civic and it only had 4 speed automatic or even manual or something. It also had shity handly rolling and wobbling into understeer and oversteer with no control and no feel… not to mention brakes were suicidal and just would lock up and land you in a ditch.

Now take that ‘old grandpa’ car and put brand new BBK kit, 18" wheels, up to date rubber. Change out the suspension from the horse riding garbage it had to doublewishbone front and rear with some KONIs or something. Put an LS1 with a T56 or something along those lines and make the body stand out… of course lowered with the new suspension.

I think that grandpa rocks.

I am all about improvement and I’m purist in that sense, all that it takes to make something better, but im not purist in keeping something junk old and ‘classic’… just me though everyone’s got their style thing.

I like what the guy did that’s all :slight_smile: Mad props to him in my opinion… compared to the other ‘classic’ looking rides which look stitched together with cheap retro parts and bucket load of used ‘jdm mad tyte’ parts ike tiny sportmaxes and advans and what have you lol… done and done to death.

thanks dusty, wonder what it looks like… panel filter possibly?

^ I’m thinkin’ very much like the ARC boxes. Pretty sure it’s a panel filter.

I think they’re a great idea and intend to build one for my next car. It’s like a step above just putting a heat shield up. Plus you could duct to it and get a bit of a ram-air effect at speed, however minimal the gains.

BINGO boys. :wink:

I approve of all the rim size/styles that Red_Line posted. Good one +1!

All those cars look better than the original one posted. And I think it’s really the rims that ruined it.

the rims are big, but the car is nice.