Deuce for sale

And who could buy Swift’s car CASH… you JAMOKE

Then buy it pussy

I’ve got better plans!

srt4 swapped Spirit?

No… spirit is going soon I’m hoping… 2 grand if you want it. I really do want to see Swifts car stay local though.

i’d be sad to see this go :frowning:

SWIft before u sell it lets talk… Lets hit chinese buffet and see what we can do

buffet it up

You know the way to my heart.

I remember this car from the Keeler Honda show in 2006

shit i thought i was gonna see an M35A2 in here for sale.

Swifty, way to come back only to post a for sale. LAME.

Yeah i was there…

i was waiting for you to say" i remember how gay this car looks from the Keeler Honda show in 2006" but you were kind, so thank you :slight_smile:

I figured this would happen eventually, the only way i can get back into the “car scene” is if i get through school and sell everything i own. If i find the right buyer for this, i can graduate and maybe buy something i can afford. Granted, i’ll probably never have anything as fast again… hope the car stays local so i can go for rides still.

car is legendary

Fuck the car “scene”. Fuck cars. Just fun to hang out.

exactly dude

Yah but its not fun to hangout when you are broke. Even if it doesn’t “cost” anything, its never a blast to stand around at a bar watching other people drink, or hitching rides to save gas money etc. I’d rather not do things if i have to do them half-ass.

dont bitch about standing around at bars u fucker u know if u come to jillians ill buy ur drinks…lame ass excuse…im figuring this car thing out whether its i buy it so u can buy it back or i buy it have it gone through and piss u off cause u wish u had it back

i’d go with option 2. just take her away… getting tired of looking at her collect dust.

Ok depressing broke boy…u need an intervention . Try bartending for a bit