
you are a drunk fuck… you need to stay out of efighting…


you need to stay out of efighting


Pot: “hey kettle, you look kinda black today.”


i need to stay out???

fixed. Was quoting you in agreement… BTW when you gonna program my keyfob? I’m too lazy to keep using the key.

burnyD is pot calling kettle black.

Actually Dan, i don’t get drunk excpet for on the weekends and even then i dont get hammered. So b4 ur pedophile ass tries to step up to me or gets into it with me i would rethink what u say to me or about me because u are totally wrong. Keep sticking ur finger down your throat and go to sams club adn buy more cherry lollipops for ur girl…

when ever ur ready,i may be in the city this weekend,pom me ur cell

