diagram of "who owns who" in the automotive world

ford still owns part or something of mazda, I can go get a A,X, or Z plan on a mazda right now


deff an old diagram. ford owned only 33% of mazda maybe back in the 90s…
lol @ daewoo


Diamler owns chrysler. So it should just be a big diamler in the middle not a diamler chrysler.


Diamler owns chrysler. So it should just be a big diamler in the middle not a diamler chrysler.


i beleive when diamler-benz bought chrysler, the company was renamed Diamler Chrysler

could be wrong though

It was a “merger” Diamler-Benz bought Chrysler, merged names but Daimler-Benz is now debating selling back out due to having to pick up former debts and pensions and what not. But as per a discussion a few of us had the other day, it’s doubtful it’ll happen, it’s a good place to write off losses.

hmm interesting


It was a “merger” Diamler-Benz bought Chrysler, merged names but Daimler-Benz is now debating selling back out due to having to pick up former debts and pensions and what not. But as per a discussion a few of us had the other day, it’s doubtful it’ll happen, it’s a good place to write off losses.


It was billed as a merger but it was a buyout. Now there are only two American car companies.

What about Audi who I believe owns Lamborghini?


ford still owns part or something of mazda, I can go get a A,X, or Z plan on a mazda right now


im pretty sure ford owns more of mazda right now, something in the 40’s or low 50’s

Porsche is independent.
They may own part of VW but so what.
No other auto maker owns Porsche.
They have always worked with Audi and VW.


What about Audi who I believe owns Lamborghini?


Lamborghini->Audi->VW which is on that chart


Ferrari no longer owns Masterati, Fiat controls them now. That happened late last year.

Lotus is owned 51% by VW now.

Porsche owns 29% or 33% of VW/Audi Group (whatever the max for german law is before making a formal take over offer).


I guess the law changed as of late and porsche may be looking at acquiring a controlling share of vw.


Lamborghini->Audi->VW which is on that chart


Wow.Have no idea how I missed that.Thanks


I guess the law changed as of late and porsche may be looking at acquiring a controlling share of vw.


They’re lobbying to change the law. It is still in effect, they’ve been wanting to get a controlling share for about 4 years now.