Dialup Modems: Slow,Gay *%$#@#$ pieces of SHIT!

Unfortunately…at home…because I’m so far out in the boonies I have to use a modem to log on to the internet. Got booted off NYSpeed 23 times tonight already because of the modem. I think its time to invest in a SAT system for my service. Started to reply to some PM’s…cut off…replied to some posts…cut off…WTF. This is getting ridiculous. I can get cell service out here but do you think they can send cable or DSL up my way???..NOOOOOOO. Fuckers. I even contacted them and they said they could run cable up to my house but the closest link was 10 miles away. Forget DSL. For $1200 bucks a mile…they would run cable to my house so I can pay 50+ bucks a month for service. I said you are kidding…right. They said…no…if you take up a petition and get your neighbors to all kick in for the cost we could all split it. I was like FU. I’m not coming up with $12000 to run cable just so I can surf the net faster. If they want my money they can run it to me for free. So I’m at the point of live with slow-ass modem or go with SAT. Satellite will cost me $600 up front and $60.00 per month without the speed of cable modem. Prob is…sattelite is waaaayyyy slower than cable.

Comments Welcome:

your cell phone work around there?

Yeah…my cell works.

:word: get verizion and just hook it up to that

Will try…thanks!