Satellite Internet

Like to hear some pro/cons about it. I live in the sticks and cant get DSL or cable. I currently have Dish Network for TV, not sure if I would have to get a new dish for it or who I would go threw. But post up if you have it, used it or even what you have herd about it.

ive heard its expensive

IM seeing rates around $50-$60 a month for 700k dl and 128K up. Start up is expensive for the equipment though.

a friend of mine has (had) it, but from what I remember he only had X amount of guarenteed bandwidth per month and it was kind of expensive. Not sure what provider he was going thru… he also wasnt very computer literate so I’m not sure… just going on what I remember him saying about it.

It fucking sucks…We have a few clients with it…Drops connections all the time.

The latency is pretty bad with satellite. Only get it if you live out in the sticks and have absolutely no other option for broadband service. Otherwise cable/dsl/fios are way better options.

move away from the sticks? :smiley:

Yeah, if you want it for online gaming forget it. While the raw download speeds aren’t bad but there is nothing that can be done about the latency. The fact that you’re bouncing a signal from their servers, to a satellite, and back down to your house just takes too long, even at the speed of light.

And yes, you’d need a new dish. The technology to actually SEND a signal into space is way beyond what the simple little dish you have for TV is capable of. Currently all you are doing is receiving a signal entirely one way.

i thought it was like 90 a month.

we use it at our springville store. it blows goats.

Directway is probably what your looking at. Like everyone else wrote, it sucks. It is only a touch faster then dial-up and getting it to uplink can be a pain in the arse.