Satellite Broadband internet.

Anybody have any experience with the type of the internet?

I assume some of you have to live far enough in the sticks where RR doesn’t reach.

What are the prices? How reliable is service? How fast are the speeds?

looked into it before, was rediculously expensive, my boss has it and its very slow/real shitty when its cloudy. since we cant get cable or dsl here were stuck on cell phone (not broadband) or dial up

im not on satellite, but i do use a sprint mobile broadband card, and if you can get a good evdo rev a signal the speed is pretty good, and the connection doesnt drop or anything. i can play games online for hours without any issues even at 10 percent signal. my download tests at 1kbps at 10-20 percent signal, i know not a lot by RR standards, but more than adequate for browsing and gaming. ping is usually good. i dont lag on games.

not what you are asking but just throwing it out there.

Surprisingly Cobleskill supports RR…

Satellite is garbage and should only be used when you seriously have no other option.

Speed varys big time, a fucking cloud passing buy can really slow you down. a few satellite providers i’ve seen are exspensive and on top of being exspensive only allow a certain ammount of bandwidth per month.

As hybrid and Gat said, as long as you have an EVDO signal, get a broadband card from a cell phone company.

Another option if you want mutliple computers without multiple broadband cards and plans is MiFi from Verizon/Sprint/ATT. Honestly I love it we use MiFi from verizon at work for people on the road, its a small wireless hub that allows up to 4-5 computers to simultaneously connect to the internet. Costs the same as any other broadband card plan which can vary from 30-50 a month depending on plan and provider.

You can plug it into the wall at home or use it on the go anywhere. You dont need to plug it into your computer providing your computer weather desktop or laptop has a wireless card



I use Verizon Wireless and AT&T ‘aircards’ for my mobile users at the office. My companies CEO uses a AT&T card (and internationally), and I still have a job so…:wink:

They are pretty reliable and work half decent.

find me one in that price range that will work out here

At&t which is what I have doesn’t receive 3G in the area I’m concerned about, and RR won’t run it’s cables unless everybody on the street decides to do so - at 500$ a person.

I know Verizon just put up a few towers locally, I could see about their card and connection :ponder

We are in the same boat…

Verizon wireless is like $30 a month for broadband with a 250meg limit (IIRC) and $70 a month with a 5gb limit (weaksauce).

I’d like to find some more details on Sprint and/or personal experiences.

Oh and you can share the internet connection, looking into network bridging and if that doesnt work check out a program called ezproxy.

I use 5GB limits on both my Verizon and AT&T cards. In Glenmont, NY and most of the rural areas in which my insurance agents do their business I use AT&T. For some reason, some of my NJ (Trenton area) and MA (Franklin) people can’t get crap with AT&T so I buy Verizon for them.

I think I pay like $60 for each card a month. Two of mine are international on a pay-per-use basis.

What happens when you hit 5GB?

You get charged as if you were going over your minutes. Like $0.10/mb or something. I’m not sure, none of my users have done it.

Satellite is shit. Sits on par with dial-up as far as i’m concerned. Have fun with your upload times!

All I know is they are not good for gaming and slower than cable.

slow, have to deal with satellite positioning, some of the providers require you to use dialup to upload since the satellite broadband is only one-way (downstream). also since the satellites are high in the sky the latency sucks (500ms or so) which sucks for gaming. and its expensive. stay far away unless you just want to browse the web slowly.

my parents have it , it sucks ass , highes net and the highest private plan you can get and it fucking blows. No online game play and it runs out of net, your limited to like 1.5mb or something shitty i forgot what it is . adn then when you do that its out for 24hrs . They have a fap , fair access policy .

As far as I know most if not all satellite broadband providers have a FAP due to the limited bandwidth of a satellite.

Look into cellular based broadband.

Just ordered this, I’ll let you know how it is later this week

MIFI is good shit dude, weve been using it at work especialy with guys on the road…

My boss loves it when they go on long road trips and he has his kids with him :rofl