Satellite Broadband internet.

I just have to watch the 5gb limit thats all.

Ooooh let me know.

Looks like satellite is useless for any of mine applications.

Thanks for the replies guys!

Yeah. Thats acctualy somewhat new too, and while a lot of mobile broadband providers say unlimited, I know quite a few do have a cap, because well, unless your downloading games/movies you shouldent be hitting a 5gb limit.

I looked in Sprint, ATT, Verizon. They all have a 5gb cap with their broadband wireless service :frowning:

Heres a thought…

cell phone with data plan, hook up to laptop, setup adhoc network


IDK my iphone i went way over 5gb’s in a month when I use to tether that to my laptop

Havent tried on my bb with verizon yet thou

I’ve been running like that for a while, unlimited data as well. My phone even has an app to become a wifi hotspot. However, ATT doesnt have 3G in my area and I’m not dealing with Verizons shitty phones.

If your just going to use it for interwebs whats it matter?

You mean a verizon phone? I dont know if they have a unlimited data plan for phones and not sure how easily they would let me share the connection to multiple computers.

They wouldent

which is why you use a 3rd party app to do it…

Thats what I did with ym iphone…

Your iphone was on ATT though correct?

In sure verizon would be the first to put a cap on their service.

Verizon has a cap of 5gb with overage charges after that. ATT doesn’t have an official cap but I’m sure after using WAY more than your phone could ever use in a month by using it tethered and downloading things will throw up a few red flags, especially considering the Iphone has to be hacked to allow tethering in the first place.

Ehh for a good solid 2-3 months I tethered my laptop to it and downloaded a ton of shit, never had any issues, deff went over 5-10gbs a month lol

im on an unlimited plan with sprint. and when i say unlimited i mean unlimited, not the 5gb per month plan. i went in for something and even the sprint guy was saying how lucky i was and to not ever change plans because if they update me i will be on the 5gb per month plan.

Pipe down Mike, you ain’t go no unlimited plan

Being grandfathered in is +1.

I’m paying $3 for insurance (which is like $7 now), and unlimited data/text/picture. They require everything data because I have a Pre, but I have a $10 discount of some sort from their regular everything plan because I already had unlimited everything before the Pre. My bill is never more than $85/month and I have EVERYTHING possible on my account.


I’m running my home computer off of the Verizon MiFi2200 right now. The internet is good for browsing and sometimes I have to buffer a video if it’s high quality.
Full service:

huh suprised its that low… when I was doign speed tests at work was getting 5mbs or so

Wish I could get roadrunner or even dsl.