did the new forum scare people away?

it took me forever to get used to it when they changed it before. they change it again and fucked me all up!

lol damn rascals!

Im gonna play the role of sweden and be neutral. I dont mind the black and grey I think its easily readable and I’m sure as time passes I’ll get used to the new buttons and such. Also it does seem a bit quieter around here for sure, hopefully it picks back up.

Normally at night theres a ton of people and posts but last night it was dead and its been dead all day today

it will pick up again for sure, its not staying like this anyways :wink:


This color works as well.

1.5 million times better, thank you

I really don’t mind the black to be honest, I think I like it more than the blue…

Of course, what I would really love is SOME GREEN!!! ;D

we all wold love more green

I like this layout much better!

Funny Singh. :stuck_out_tongue: