Design the new forum with us!

Well all we are is the member base so who is better to decide what to have in here then well… the members.

We will use this thread to discuss features, smilys, skins and general addons in here.

Some of the things that I would like to get out of the way.

One is the poll… Which member info design to you prefer? The Old design with member info+avatar being to the left of the post in it’s own section or the new design where it’s spread all the way over above each post?

Two… gallery is coming.

Three… reputation is coming.

Four… better skins are coming.

Five… smily’s are definitely coming.

Six… top 5+ recent posts… not sure how plausible they are but I’ll try to figure something out.

the top 5 recent post i would love to have, very sure its possible vlad because I’ve seen the plugins run on home pages off of the forum before, so why not have them on the forum home page ?

Would like to know where the plugin exists

I like the new style a little better…

I like it this way.


I like it this way also, but i dont mind it the other way either lol.

On a side note,

MOST moderators (active ones that i could remember) are back to moderators, so they can help moderate the forum and the spam.

If your not a mod and were before, dont be taking it personally, i just didnt remember you and I only did this to solve immediate need for moderators NOW.

Make me a mod so I can ban LaDuke.

On a more serious note, I really like this black on gray theme. I vote keep it.

Props on the new site guys, great work so far.

im liking it so far, most forums im on are Vbulletin or designed in a similar fashion. the black and grey theme are the easiest to read i think. not overly bright
i think the “previous thread l next thread” would be better if it was black, then when you click on it, it would display light grey… only because its already in a grey background. otherwise im liking it alot more than the SMF layout

ya will have to tweak the CSS for sure

like I said, i have no idea what the authors of these skins are thinking, lets make grey font over a grey backgruond… wtf ?

its not a problem seeing it, just nit-picking the little details. that is really the only color issue i see.

silver blue looks niceeeeee

this layout reminds me of a website i havent visited in a while…ahhhh bf.c :ninja

New skin : Silver Blue, I think its clean enough for now :slight_smile:

haha it still says “your forums” in teh top left not shift518

yea best outta the choices so far

word !

Im liking the silver blue one already and its been 10 seconds since I switched.

fo sho!

You should have a wide screen version of the themes if you can find them.

I like the black/gray theme but the read/unread should be a different color than just bold/unbold.

the black theme sucks ass, i only left it because some people like it

check the silver blue theme… i just uploaded and im using it now, also i set it as the default

oh yea by the way, the skins (as far as i can tell) are fluid widths, that change depending on your browser size (screensize)