Design the new forum with us!

yea, can we do the sticky’s like in a color that stands out cuz i find myself scavenging for topics to read that aren’t old.

As much as I liked the black theme, this silver blue theme is where it’s at!!!

I’ll work on the colors for the silver blue theme now and if i feel motivated I’ll go to the blackheaded theme and work with the font colors tehre as well

Yeah the only reason I switched to this one is because I feel the black one was like temporary and got left behind lol

Switched over to the Silver theme, way better. Baller :cool:

Ya well since this will be the default until i find a better one im going to try to finish this one first. then look at the black one.

I switched the layout here so avatars are on the left and posts on right, vertical not horizontal.

Vlad likes that style better, and I know most of you are used to it as wel, so lets see how it works out !

One thing you should change on this is the boxes next to the sub-forums from saying “Hi” and make them say like “Shift” or “518” or something.

yea , they look mad gay saying Hi, wtf ?

and dude I need the WTF smiley back, get some cool smilies togeter and post them here or send me them over aim or something…

I got you w/ the smilies. Give me 5 mins

my username is all split up with this name on the side sheeeeeeet

You should just change it to SXY_TIME

yea singh…get to work lol


thanks buddyyyyyyyyy :hug:

wtf no hug smiley anymore?

singh i need something to bust your balls about now, i mean with the vB underway. give me something to work with


Joey get me some good smilies together asap stop slackin

check PM

fo sho…get that shit fo shooooooooooooo

Make this one :John:

No, that’s dumb