Looking for input in due of recent events on the current forum situation.

In the past few weeks the forum has grown very quickly and the staff had trouble keeping up with everything going on.

I would like to hear what you guys have to say about how it’s going and what you would like to change.

Is there a lack of moderation? Too much? People get OT too easily? Threads need to be cleaned up? not enough locking? personal attacks? too much bs? all is it all in good fun and what keeps it interesting?

This thread WILL stay on topic, one way or another, so no B.S. in here.

A few things I’ve noticed is use of smily’s for the sake of using smily’s and not to reply to a post.

Personal attacks, which are not allowed by the rules.

Getting OT way too easily in threads that had a good discussion going on.

If you need to say something about somebody or point a finger at somebody PM me don’t post it here.

This thread is meant for staff evaluation of how we are doing and not really a discussion so don’t comment on other people’s opinions, but feel free to post your own.

Think of this as a suggestion box. If you think something a thread is getting out of control, needs a lock, or a split let us know.

Thank You.

In the past few weeks the forum gas grown very quickly and the staff had trouble keeping up with everything going on.

Give it some Pepto-Bismol? :rofl sorry the “gas” remark, had to do it

but one think i don’t like is that if they post in that battlefield thread constantly and i come back, i have to sift through PAGES of recent posts just so see the other threads that have been posted in :headbang :runaway

maybe the import vs domestic thread is in good need of a lock as did the srt-4 vs K20 :nod that will clear some things up for sure.

peronal attacks, import vs. domestic there were a few, i know things got heated but there were a few remakrs that couldve def been without

One of the things I’ve tried to stay away from personally is any sort of ‘moderation’ - it think it’s better to ‘curb’ whatever OT/inappropriate stuff that may be occuring, and leave the posts locked, but in place, for ‘future reference’. Kinda like setting a precedent- when threads get deleted, it gets rid of ‘the precedent’ - which sometimes defeats the purpose.

Does that make sense at all…?

Yes and I completely agree. I peronally don’t believe in removing/deleting replies or threads. Splitting and locking and merging is what I imply by moderation.

I think it’s doing ok, I like posting on a forum that isn’t run like a nazi deathcamp…

that’s why i haven’t posted much on bf.c

well that and i’m in time out… :rofl

I participate in a lot of different forums, this one is pretty gentile overall. Some people will get upset and leave, be it on good terms or bad, its just the nature of dealing with a broad scope of individuals. I’ve heard it said that I can’t give you a sure way to success, but I can give you a sure way to failure, try to please everyone. The uncomfortable topics are the ones I tend to like the best, they force us to look deep with in our souls for answers, whatever they may be, studying these areas makes us all better; be it religion, politics, honda, vw, chevrolet, women, etc… These topics will all evoke a level of emotion that we are taught to ignore at a young age, I strongly disagree. We should strive to have a greater understanding of why, rather then taking things at face value, because that’s the way its always been. The ostrich never solves its problems with its head buried in the sand. The personal attacks I’ve seen have been fairly mild, and often just a question of someone’s opinion or logic that is taken the wrong way. As for moderation, I don’t think its abused or neglected, this forum is fairly calm and a lot of the members know each other personally, which changes the dynamic significantly. Those who are familiar with 6 degrees of separation(sometimes called the Kevin Bacon theory) may find that this forum is probably closer to 2 or 3 degrees of seperation, that in itself will prevent this forum from ever getting too out of hand from a simple sociological stand point.

To those who do feel compelled to use personal attacks you should listen to what Dale Carnegie has to say about why your upset, its not the other individuals fault that god did not see it fit to distribute intelligence evenly in more modern terms never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

easy, leave everything alone. No moderation is good.

Only exception is if people start threatening someone or their friends and family. And then the only moderation should be permanent ban.

So would splitting of whored out good topics be a good idea or no?

I’m trying to get a feel for something, being an Admin on a forum for only about 5 months at the moment.

I was thinking of splitting threads that had good discussion going on from completely OT comments just to clean up it like the Domestic VS Import thread right now, or I could just leave it alone in one big happy mess that it is.

true, the only things that have gotten out of hand are sean’s build thread, and the import vs. domestic thread, but other than those there hasnt been anything bad, topics evolve not get ot for the most part

I honestly don’t think anything has gotten out of hand. There have been jokes, but no real personal attacks and def no threats. Some people may get offended by certain jokes, but you can’t please everyone and that certainly isn’t reason enough to moderate anything.

Even though it is my build i think it has gotten way outta hand…alot of arguing goin on in there…

about 90% of your thread (after it was split) is actually questions and suggestions about your build. Which is very on topic. You may not like it, but it’s not that bad… IMO

some people do not take YOUR “jokes” as joking I.e. saying that you wish you could go back in time to tell my mother to have an abortion, not to funny, get what im saying?

Take it from me. I pulled my account from this forum just recently due to the fact I took everything way to seriously. I sat down and thought about it. Why should I get upset at someone making any kind of comment, personal or not, when I have never met most of these people in my entire life. Anything they say is assumed and opinionated which I can’t get mad at. It would be immature and childish. From now on I don’t give a shit and I don’t see why anyone else should either. It’s a forum. Have fun, say what you have to say and move on. Don’t let it get to you like I did, it really is fun if you go with it.

So after saying that, I would like to add that the level of moderation is adequite. It would also be nice not to clean up threads but let them draw themselves out. See where they go. If someone starts to take it to personal, either they need a break from the computer, (in which time they will realize how childish it is to get upset, like me) and come back a “new” person. In other words have fun and deal with the shit.

actually i believe he said you should be aborted now, hence him asking about the 78th trimester, you should watch more south park.

this is a no bullshit thread, and i dont watch south park so to me it wasnt a joke

edited, thread not for this kinda stuff

Benfizz is right… I suggested you get aborted now. If you really are going to whine and bitch at that joke than maybe I should really call your mom and have a little talk.

back on topic- I think the moderators are doing a good job here. The true test will come when ever more people come in and some real shit goes down.

since i was part of the over moderation, I guess I have to say that the level of moderation is ok, but its really easy for shit to go overboard at any moment, which can be said for any forum I guess. the point of splitting shit up and locking is to basically blow the whistle and separate the girls from fighting, so to speak