Design the new forum with us!

no, youre dumb


That’s not even a smiley

i mean smilies that will be used alot, not like random smilies like that , you will never use them etc

alot of smilies on the old forum were never used either, but a few were good

I need a good one for :stuck_out_tongue: and :wtf

YA hes not even smiling

close enough

There was one for :stuck_out_tongue: …people would use those ones i sent you

doesnt make it unfunny lol…hahahahahaha

Everybody will use the :Joey: one

Nah, they won’t

Trust me they will.



MAD smilies added

so no camaro but weve got a dancing 7 up spot?

rofl ya

camaro > spot

Reputation is added in.

For the record all the 07 registration year members will be awarded with an OG status.

Yea users can rep each other etc


i want the camaro smiley singh. please.

pete an OG

LOL !! thats almost as funny as…