Die Hard 4 In the Works?




assumption is the muther of all fuckups!

sheishhh da glassssss

That’s Under Seige 2… :roll2:

“Karl, shoot the glass…”

You fucking suck at this…


I didn’t know John McTiernan was arrested for wiretapping. I guess he won’t be involved in this new flick.

well maybe…

but also in die hard 2

when they are in the church… towards the end


Die Hard 2 doesn’t count. There was only Die Hard… anything after that with a similar title is… well… you get the picture.

yipie kieeaaaa mutha F*

one of the best lines ever :tup:

I thought they all rocked :smiley: (although havent seen one in a while)

Didn’t care for 2 (maybe because of the subtitle “Die Harder” :gay: )at all, Vengance was a good recovery, but still nothing compared to the original.

Die Harder is definately the weakest of the 3. But I can watch Vengence over and over again no problem.

My little brother and I have a tradition of watching all 3 movies on Christmas Eve. I’m not sure how or why it started but we do it every year. Now he has the triology on DVD so no need to go out and rent them anymore.

^^ CAN YOU PELASE VERIFY THE “assumption is the muther of all fuckups” when they are in the church inthe end please :slight_smile:

The one with samuel l Jackson FTW

3rd one was my fav.

Never heard that in a Die Hard movie that I can remember. I never saw Under Seige 2 .


Memorable Quotes from
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995)

[Repeated line]
Travis Dane: Chance favors the prepared mind.

Penn: Ryback’s gone, Dane.
Travis Dane: Did you see the body? Assumption is the mother of all FUCK UPS!

i know. i saw that too lol

just watch it for me please :slight_smile: its there i promise… and if its not ill buy you lunch.