die hard 4.....teaser trailer

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prolly see it

Did he just save the MAC guy? Dosent show any story line.

wait did a fire exstinguisher just explode in a fireball??

stupid mac guy…i hope he dies in the movie


2007 the year of the 80s-90s rehashes.

Nice!! :tup:

Die Hard 3 is one of my favs.

Mac should release commercials with Bruce, but they cant afford him.

ive always said, any movie with john cusack or bruce willis in it is good in my book.

i’ll be there opening day. hopefully it dosent suck.

Shit yea, I love all the Die Hard’s, even Die Hard 2.

New one looks pretty sweet.

Yea Bruce Willis!

Yeah Die Hard 2: Die Harder was definately the weakest, but damn I can watch Die Hard with a Vengeance like 38 times