Diet coke idea

you know how you can clean rust off coins with coke or diet coke,
couldn’t you theoretically take a rusted brake rotor for example and set it into some coke?

has anyone tried this and does it work?

PS. remember to dump that coke out after wards so nobody drinks it :wink:

i wouldnt recomend coke lol. i guess it could work on a rotor but ud have to clean all the sticky shit off afterwards

well I was thinking more for subframes and piping etc.
but would the coke eat away the metal as well?

as for the sticky shit you could always use some brake cleaner to clean afterwards

It doesn’t take rust off the penny, it’s oxydation.

Copper doesn’t rust.

It will not remove rust off car parts.

people said to give it a shot at when cleaning my rims,
they said either steel wool and coke or steel wool and wd-40.
i should be attempting to clean em tonight, ill let you know how it goes :wink:

Vinegar works for rust. Its a mild acid. Take your rusty parts and soak them overnight or something. There is other stuff you can get from Crappy Tire I think, but vinegar is worth a go because its cheap.

ok im only gonna explain this once…

Mix 1 part WATER 1 part Baking Sode (50%-50%) in a large basin or tub(plastic or glass)
insert a metal rod in one end with a good portion left out of the mixture.
take a 2 amp trickle battery charger and put the postive end on the metal part(i.e. caliper, control arm) and submerse in mixture
attach the negative cable to the rod(the side out of the mixture and plug the charger in, leave it over night…

Rust goes Bye bye.

im done.
I also take no responibilty if your not careful and hurt yourself.

rust IS oxydization. Coke will remove rust off of anything…however its not really practical for larger objects or car parts

next time your working on your throw some rusty old bolts into some coke, when you check it next morning i guarentee theyll be cleeeeeean

rust IS oxydization.

Second that.

Ive seen this on “Trucks” from what i saw it took away all the rust

k just an idea
what other chemicals can I use to take rust off metal things?

this sounds exactly like grade 12 chemistry class. reduction oxidation anyone? REDOX! electrolysis ftw!

What I meant was it wasn’t going to remove the rust off of a 12 year old brake caliper that’s been through 12 winters, but it’ll clean the oxydation off of a penny.

rust removing acid is cheap, paint circuits on mcnicholl

^^^^^^^^^^yo lopez steel whool will fuck up ur rims its a joke dont actually do it they will scratch to shit