Project Help, and what are my options?

Ok, my cars in the garage, plan on getting rid of all the rust i can.

My plan was to strip the interior first, get rid of deadening, then sand any rust to metal, and weld any holes in the body then prime then Por15.

Now my questions are, what do you guys think would be the proper procedure of doing this?I talked to cal and he said just prime and paint the interior, but por15 the under body.

Just don’t want to make the wrong decision here.

P.S will be using the same operation to clean the engine bay.

Also how much of a mess does sandblasting make?

sandblasting makes a huge mess EVERYWHERE.

U have a sand blaster? :open_mouth:

there’s also this crazzzzy acid (really not sure what type it is) my buddy uses on his 86 and it just literally disintegrates all of the rust and leaves you with fresh metal behind. it’s in a bottle and you just use a brush to swab it on the surface you want treated once you’ve wire wheeled some of the initial rust off. it requires those heavy duty lab gloves and apron…i really don’t know where he got it from but that stuff definitely works. just letting you know that there is something like that out there.

if not sandblast, i would go with that and por15 after.

Find that chemicals name and where to get it…

Cut the rust out, all of it. 99% of the time it will find a way to come back if you dont.

Muriatic (SP) Acid

rust is like cancer ull never get rid of it unless u cut it out. thats what i did.

^^yep, that’s the one, sp acid i remember him saying.

You can buy muriatic acid at CT. Its usually in the bodywork aisle with the Bondo stuff, otherwise, make sure you know how to spell it and have the guy on the parts counter look it up on the computer. I think its like $10 or $20 for a 4L jug.

Muriatic acid is the same thing as hydrochloric acid, so you should be able to find it somewhere else if CT doesn’t have any in stock.

After you use this acid, Do you have to weld new metal in i guess?

We sell Muratic Acid for $15.49/Gal
I’ve never heard of using it to clean metal? guess it could work. The typical use is to etch concrete. Careful when using this shit & be sure to wear eye protection. This is the most corrosive stuff we sell.

So, im gonna grab a bottle really soon. Like what are the precautions? Like if i brush to much on what will happen? Ive seen videos of the Muratic Acid Bombs and it looks intense.

I’ve been reading and it seems that phosphoric acid is the way to go. The hot rod forums were saying that muratic acid will only cause bigger problems down the road. So, im gonna get some phosphoric acid and see how it goes.

we use phosphoric acid on our farm, and when you get it on metal it usualy rust really bad. I’ve put a rusty pair of pliers in a bucket of it over night one time and looked worse than when I put it in. I don’t think it would work too well on rust removal unless you want to get rid of the whole panel.