Diff Welding needed.

I’m looking for someone to weld up an S13 open diff for me.


I just happen to have a couple laying around if you would like to purchase

If you get one welded, does that mean you are going to join us at more track events?

C’mon Wally, you know how fun it is.

Call MSSC at 905-270-3166.

Ask for Marc. He’ll weld it up for you.

thanks for the # birdie.

Yes Theo, it does mean i’ll make it out to more events next season. Didn’t make it to enough this year :cry:

I guess your diff isn’t doing too weld.

I guess you diff isn’t doing too weld.[/quote]

i swear to god marky…

fuck the Diff welding, I like cars that i can park with out having problems.

and I go out with my friends even know I have a GF :slight_smile:




I want a “hard parking” car lol.

And Benson, I broke up with my g/f last weekend, let’s go for drinks!

Ahh… no wonder I haven’t heard from you in a while…

Single life kicks ass!! (when it is by choice)

Damn, I’m sorry dude, how did you break your left hand? Did you have to go to the hospital?

We’ll go for some drinks for sure.

Damn, I’m sorry dude, how did you break your left hand? Did you have to go to the hospital?

We’ll go for some drinks for sure.[/quote]

I guess walter can’t “LEND A HAND” for some time eh?


sorry marky, the invitation wasn’t directed towards you.


typical SON fashion, every thread turns into one big masturbation joke. :wink:

sorry marky, the invitation wasn’t directed towards you.


I guess I’m not invited since I outdrank you that last time. :slight_smile:

sorry marky, the invitation wasn’t directed towards you.


I guess I’m not invited since I outdrank you that last time. :)[/quote]

I’m still convinced you threw up somewhere in my basement…I just haven’t found it yet.

At any rate, I’ll outdrink you no problem. Name the time and place.

Maybe we can celebrate me getting a welded diff.

He did it AGAIN? I remember the first time hahaha… Dry heaving in his sleep, sleepwalking to the laundry room and ‘forgeting’ it all hah.

hahah f*ck you! liar… theo you sooo made that up!

He did it AGAIN? I remember the first time hahaha… Dry heaving in his sleep, sleepwalking to the laundry room and ‘forgeting’ it all hah.[/quote]

HAHA thank you Theo! You just confirmed my suspicions!

I did not puke. I am 100% sure.

Finding “my” puke somewhere in your basement is like finding Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.