Digital Camera Question

Does it make any sense that my digital camera took blurry pictures because of the shitty cheap memory card it came with as a bundle on Ebay?

no, 0s and 1s cannot be blurry, thats all it is when you break it down. Chances are there may be some dust or a scratch on the lens or some other problem with the camera. The memory card can’t make your pictures blurry.

possible but unlikely

I mean,if PSP’s had problems with 4gb memory sticks and sluggish video playback…you never know.

For starters, what kind of camera is it? Is it still blurry with a tripod?

sounds like you are either using the camera incorrectly, or the camera is a piece of shit.

yup…or its on a setting that is set to use a macro…what model camera?

yeah, if it’s in macro/super-macro mode everything will look blurry except things that are an inch away from the lense

what kind of image stabilization does it have? with some digis you really have to have a steady hand… or a tri

+1 to what everyone else said.

A cheap card would not cause blurry images, a cheap camera/bad setting/bad user/dirty lens would cause a blurry photo.

A crappy card would more or less be slow in processing the photos but not make them blurry.

sounds like you need to turn off the macro.

i bought a $15 1gig card and my digital camera works perfectly. probably a blurry lens, also check to see if you are taking picture with the night vision on, cuz when you move the camera it take a while for the picture to adjust. or if that isnt it, check the resolution on your camera to see if you are using all your megapixels

If you camera has scene settings, then you may have it on the night mode which leaves the shutter open longer. If you are shooting by hand that will make for blurry pics.

Or if you have manual controls, you may have it in manual mode where the shutter speed is too long and you get the same result.

You may have it on the macro setting.

You may have fog on the lense if you went from indoors to outdoors or vise versa.

You may not be using the automatic focus correctly. Most digital cameras need a little extra time to focus. A half press of the shutter button will cause the camera to take focus and you should see a green light pop up on the screen indicating that the camera is focused and ready to take the pic. Then press down the rest of the way to engage the shutter.

You may have accidently shut the flash off. In lower light, that can cause blur.

Check those things.

agree, its you not the card