Digital Camera Questions

I just picked up a new digital camera. I got a FujiFilm Fine Pix A345. It has 4.1 mega pix, 3x optical and 3.6 digital zoom. For an entry level camera I think it is pretty sweet. It only came with a 16MB XD picture card. I want to get a larger one. So I can either get a 256 or 512. How much can the 256 hold. I want to take some video clips when I go to the motocross track or if I ever race my car. Also when I do decide how big of a card I need where is the cheapest place to get one?

A 256 i think will hold around 250-300 4mp pictures. I bought a 1 gig not that long ago on for about $68. There are different things to look for in a mem card. They have different write speeds and stuff. Check out

mike has a 512 his battery died twice before he didnt even fill his card. i have a 128 media card and i think that it holds 150+ pics at high res. which is 3.1 megs so i would say 256 should be good.

what about the videos I plan on taking?

also what is this about the speed of the card///what should I look for and what does it mean?

mike and i took a good bit of video up at beaver springs dragway. id say 100 pics and maybe 20 videos of 15 seconds or so. and the speed of the card i have no freakin idea…

I have a fine pix as well, I would just get the 512 and be done with it.

Better to have more space especially if you are going to use the video option. It will eat up memory fast…

I agree. I have a 256 and it has like 400+ pics that I took when we were in Maui and maybe 10 short videos. If you are going to take long vids, more than a few mins, get the 512. Also, you can change the size of the pics that your camera is taking, if you are just using them to post on the internet then you can resize the pics to “email” size and get way more pictures on the card. If you are going to be printing them up then I’d stick w/ the high resolution pics (large files).

i have the same camera and the 16meg card pissed me off too lol

i ordered a 1gig card from ebay… the 512 at bestbuy costed more than what i payed for the 1gig, so if your going to buy one, you have to buy it from online, or else your going to pay more…

if you plan on taking videos, if your not around your computer alot to download pictures i would reccommend a smaller card, but if your planning to go on vacations or big carshows where you want to take alot of pictures, go all the way and get the gig, on my other camera i have two 256 cards and i’ve filled them up and had to delete afew of the crappier pics to make more room for pics at the next carshow of the day when i was jumping from carshow to carshow on a sunday, and didnt stop home inbetween…

Humm…I thought the 256 would hold a lot of video? I am not talking about like an hour but a bunch of decent size clips…like 1 minute or so. What should I expect from the 16MB it came with?

try and see how long it will record video for, and that should let you estimate the amount of minutes the bigger cards will give you, i would try but my battery is dead

I found a chart in the manual that is helpfull for pictures…but it says nothing at all for the short videos. How many short videos can you take on a 256 or 512…about 30 second videos.

for your camera, 16meg holds a minute and four seconds, 256 will hold 16 times that, soo about 16 minutes… and then 512 will hold 32 times that, soo it would hold about 32 minutes, and a gig would be close to an hour

i guess…256 would be fine for what I will use it for I mean I can have like 60-80 pics on it and still take 10 minutes of video. Its not like I will store it on there for life…I will download it on my PC and erase it.

I was looking at prices online for the 256mb…fuck after shipping it is like 1 dollar cheaper than best buy. Best Buy has them for 39.99. If anyone knows where I can get one below $35 with shipping shoot me a link.

check e-bay… i saved like around 40 bucks on my card

if you cant find anything less than 5 bucks cheaper, just go to bestbuy

What kinda card is it? CF?

yeah us Fuji people, we know our film (and filmless) systems :wink:

It is a xd picture card. You guys who have the same one (fuji A345) how do you like it. Any problems/dislikes?

Id go with a Gig, but thats just me