
The park is not a needed benifit that provides education or shelter (granted its usually the assholes who move in) or a “network” for transportation which is needed to help the world go round. Its entertainment and that is all.We don’t need the BEST stadium in the world. :finger:


def dont take your sister

make sure you let Dan Rooney know too… the game is going to bring some much need revenue to the city, you can’t argue that.

in all seriousness, I;m not just picking on PNC Park.

3 rivers wasn’t even paid off yet, then they vote on it, it doesn’t go though, yet its still enacted…Christ 200 years ago somthing like that would have caused a war…

I totall understand that is your livly hood, but if it get voted down then Kevin should have to front the bill its his fucking team, and people come pay to see them. Why should the same people have to supply the place for them to play also while the owners make money off of it.

That would be like you not only having to pay an entrance fee at PRP but when they remodel you have to pay for the construction loan on top of it…

Don’t get your frilly panties in a bunch, again I feel the same about the steelers. Especially due the whole mentality of this city they are able to still ride off the 70’s steeles legacy (which let me remind you happend almost 30 years ago) and charge an arm and a leg for tickets. Especially season tickets (along with the waiting list)

you have to remember that unlike Pirates tickets, Steeler tickets are actually worth more than the paper they are printed on.

aren’t you thinking a little ahead here?

i understand your point and i guess to sorta downplay that argument they let the high schools play their cahnpionship games there. The pirates are defienlty more accesible and generous to the comminity. Pirates are so discounted that we have to print out sheets just so our window sellers know what they are to expect at the windows. you can in a sence see a pirate game for $9 any given night and thats if you don’t get a discount. the only reason the pirates get such a bad rap is their performance, then again if they were good tickets wouldn’t be so cheap. I guess if i didn’t like sports i would think more like you but i just wrote it off as one of those things not to think about. 25 years since the pirates or steelers won anything of importance (championships)

spend a day in my shoes, you’ll have a brand new perspective on it. back to back sell outs friday and saturday.

on a side note, there is no way the Pirates would still be in Pittsburgh if it wasnt for those glory days back in the 70’s.

Cutty, don;t get me wrong, I engoy watching sports, But when these asshole cry about money its a real turn off especially since they are making a rediculous amount more to play a game and then rool around in there bling bling and act like idiots.

When they have to start taking the little guys money becaus ethey want stuff that shit pisses me off. When I was younger I used to play baseball in leauges all the time. Up until they striked when I was in 7th or 8th grade. Then it put a bad taste in my mouth. Same thing with Hockey.

Give me 75k a year and good health benifits till I die and I would play a sport I love and make it work…

also sorry about hijacking your thread…

Cutty, when do the All-Star tickets go on sale to the public? also how much is the cheapest ticket? I’m just curious because I’ll be back home on terminal leave next June and wouldn’t mind going to the game. I figure if I can start saving now, I should be good.

I do not believe there will be any tickets available to the public. You had to buy season ticket packages for 2005 and 2006 to get them.

Well, I’m out then.
