Today is a beautiful day

YTD Total Ticket Sales = 1,735,531

I got $2000 comming my way :blue:

we get to 1,800,000 and i get another $2000.

$4,000!!! thats like 8 g-bodys…GEAH!!!



sad but true

how bout 1 t-type!

no colors in my life, its black only for me! gotta be a GN

well, that’ll cost you a little more that $4000 probably.

I guess the saying is true.
Once you go black you won’t go back!

they make black T’s!~

Black T —> :mrT:

No T’s only a grand nasty.

wrong,my cusin has a black 87 T

no i’m saying i only want a national, not a black T. come on, the g-body king knows about we4’s.

we4’s GEAH!!!

i know your cousin…reminds me i need tires again

YTD Total Ticket Sales = 1,804,390
YTD Total Dollars Sold = $36,719,562.00

$4,000 GEAH!!!


cutty is buying beer!!:hsdance:

what the hell are you talking about? Did I miss something? what kind of ticket sales?

screw cuttys paycheck :moon: and gimme a third baseman who can hit or a lights out pitcher who won’t play good for 10 games, then suck, then get traded, then become a cy young candidate.

pirates. arrrrrr

he works for the pirates