
well from the looks of things i may only be able to get two tickets for next year’s All star Game. one ticket is obviously for me and the other ticket could cause a problem, do i take my best friend who loves baseball and would enjoy seeing all the best players or do i take my sister who is family and probably would only want to go because its the all star game. I know i’m gonna disapoint tons of people cause i can’t get the hook up on this game. MLB got my hands tied.

take the person who will enjoy the game. your sister will understand

Ask your sister first, if she is not REALLY INTO it take the friend.

i’m glad i got a year to decide. thats the worst case senario anyway, we may have the option to buy two additional.

alot can change in a year to

sell it and get paid

true true

say u couldnt get any it was something the higher up department screwed up on !

yes,a lot can change in a year. i doubt i’ll hate my sister by then and the dude has been my best friend since 98 and we’ve never had an argument. I just talked to my sister and she doesn’t seem too sad if i didn’t take her. i told her she made it to the final two. I would sell them but its one of those once in a lifetime things, i probably won’t get the chance to go again and even if i got a grand out of the tickets its not worth it.

Take me!

be oh be you knew this was coming.

Pictures of Sister


when silver posts his sister.

Pictures of Sister…chads & silvers to!

what if i gave you a wad of cash and one of those goofy three-handled hurst olds trannies for them?

seen them already, chad and your turn :steelers:

I think you should have a free drawing for both tickets for the tax payers who pay for those stadiums but don’t get to reap the benifits from it…

well seeing as i have two extra sets of them i would probably say no. If someone offered me about 2000 i couldn’t pass it up but for anything less, i’m going.

Wheres the all star game for 2006?

at PNC

when the steelers ante up and give away free tickets like we do than maybe you have an agument. go bother them. i don’t see them giving free tickets to the troops, kids. etc… you do reap the benifits thou, you can watch a ball game at the best ball park in america :D… Your taxes paid for the turnpike, ask them if you can drive on it for free, your taxes paid for section 8 housing, ask if you can have another home, your taxes pay for public schools, ask if you can go back. you gotta explain the whole story mike, not just the part you don’t like :slight_smile: