are all the seasons tickets seats in the same area? what level?
my moms boss has 2 tickets and said i could have them. he set them on his porch and said there there if i want them. i don’t want them if they are real high up there. and i won’t know unless i drive a 1/2 hr to get them.
DON!! U will have fun man…just go…i turned down my tickets for todays game though…but thats just me.i would rather sit by the fire and drink beer and watch it. U iwll have a great time…take the old lady out man.seriously!
Ah yes…head gleaming in the sun blinding everyone,single hotdog stand with Brians personal name on it and o ya…they even rolled out the super duper jumbo screen to fit his whole head on the screen. Ah the joys of ths steeler games when brian goes…:steelers:
I saw you too this week, beeyotch. At least, I’m pretty sure it was you. Young’s, Friday night, maybe around 1am or so? I stopped in to meet a couple friends real quick and though I saw you in, hahah, a turtleneck sweater