Possible Steeler Tickets FS (2)

For the December 26 game against Baltimore. Should be a great hate game. Located in Section 536 Row KK seats 8 and 9. Usually nobody sits in 10, 11 or 12 so there’s more than likely going to be room to stretch out. I’m not gonna lie though, the seats are in the second to the last row on the Science Center side and they’re about as high as you can get. The view of the field is very good, however, and there’s no experience like going to a Steeler game.
Don’t know if I’ll be going because it will be freezing cold by then. Plus the steps are pretty brutal when it’s cold. Anyway, I’m taking offers.

Ryan McElroy

how much???

i’m interested… priceeee

make offer…

100 bucks cash

id be interested also in theese

100 bucks, pm me

those are my favorite seats in the stadium, although they were better at 3 Rivers…

let me know, i will take them for face plus 20

bizump… id like to see $150… :hs:

(proof shot)

how about i just give you 120 and I won’t turn you in for scalping tickets…

:rofl: :owned:

i’ll be at the game on the 26th. these tickets are going for 250.00+ on ebay. good luck

Yeah, but they’re losing value quickly because the game looks as though it will not mean much. Thanks.

then people are dumb

i could of gotten 4 tickets for 200 yesterday.

they are 50 dollar tickets in the top section… hardly worth anything more than 50 a piece.

i’d take that 120 whitey offered… if you get more then lucky you…

Ya sell them for 120… can’t bitch bout that now… 150 is to much

if whitey wants the tickets,give them to him for all the hard work he does on the site!!:smiley:

yup, sold…

i wasn’t trying to kill your sale or anything… just saying…

some poeple (like here at work) pretend that people are DYING and wait until friday or saturday to sell them so they get ‘top dollar’… gehy

being that high up is neat… but it’s not the BEST…

i like those seats… besides i am going to work my connections and see where my seats will end up. craziest thing is that my secuity clearance was still there last year, not sure if its still like that for this year

Me too. Less chance of a beer shower and plus my seats are predominantly near all the old time fans that got jipped from having nice seats in three rivers to having peanut heaven in heinz (like myself). Nice people to talk about the '70s teams with. The negative is a I’m fat ass smoker that has to cross the bridge AND walk up a nice set of stairs. Thanks for the replies guys.

Nice pic fshowcars!!