steelers season ticket questions needed asap

^^^^^ still better him than me…

my dad has season tickets, I could possibly swing a few tickets. :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :x:

should of said something

for this thrusday???:x:

2 tickets you said and you gave them to petwer hummm

who he take?


I know I know. I just didn’t think it was you. I didn’t want to be like “HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY” and then have it be someone I had no idea who they were :rofl:

u didnt answer ur phone!!!1:spank: :asshole

i never got any message or anything

first one of his boytoys to answer the phone

We’re going Thursday! :blue: :blue: :blue:

we may be goin thursday too

im not

sux0rs for you

actually not realll just got 10 free steeler tickets for thursdays game…bet my seats own yours

blow me…take your binoculars see if you can see me from way up there…


how u doing buddy!!!

found out tonight as I was leaving work Im going tomorrow! HR lady had 2 tickets and she cant go, she was walking around the office goin “i gotta find someone to take these tickets to that football game tomorrow night” WOOOHOOOO!

i gave mine away. f that. too cold

im great!!!


hope its not to windy down up there better bing a hat

LOL i gave mine away too! 20 degrees colder than at Sundays game, and I thought I was gonna freeze to death.