Dips Track days DATES BOOKED. seperated drift and grip!

nice to see the web site up looks good.

I will come to as many as Alythia lets me lol
lol as long as the car decides to stay running for more then 3 days at a time


woah sweet. Definately interested. Is there any full grip only days yet, or are some of the drifters signing up? I am definately interested. The only thing that is holding me back from registering for a day right now, is I want to make sure that I will have received my coils by then.

Will you allow a nice 91 Integra run on the track day :stuck_out_tongue:

Sadly that’s gonna be my summer car this year in Waterloo, as I’m brining it out from Sask after exams, since I didn’t want to ruin the S14 back home in the winters here…

How good of shape does a car have to be in, this thing won’t be good looking, but it will be in good mech shape…

Oh and are there other “lower end” cars there :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t want to be there in a 91 Teg when everyone else has $15,000 sr20’d 240’s or similar nicer cars haha

Not everybody runs SR’s…

Although this season I saw waaaay too many KA’s for sale.

I think that the august day will be a full grip day

If you want to run full day this time its fine adn i will allow it for $120

HOWEVER! you must realize that you will be running with the drifters in the afternoon so no complaining about crap they throw on the track etc.

and yes, i will allow any type of vehicle.
your teg is probably worth more than half the Sr’d cars on the forum

Haha, I don’t think so, but we’ll see, I’ll def. try to get in on this though, but can’t sign up too quick, just in case something goes wrong with the thing:-P

Can you just pay at the track Derek?

Because I’m not sure what I’ll have and if it will be track ready. So if I want to come and just pay at the track, I remember that was fine at some events last year.

Paying at the track makes it difficult for me to limit the number of people that come.
So many people say that they will be there, but then half dont show.
Im trying to have things run a smoothly as possible so payment in advance is prefered.

you can always sell your spot last minute.
There is usually people looking for spots the week before an event.

So is the last date I can purchase a spot dependant on the amount of people already signed up for that date, or do you have set final dates for choosing and payment?

i’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you showed up last minute or even met up with him the night or 2 nights before the event if there was room available for you.

who doesn’t want a full # of cars? (in the mind of an organizer)

but there is always a first for everything…

keep an eye on the website, it shows the number of remaining spots.
If there are still spots avaliable you can just show, but if the track is full i cant guarentee youll get a spot

Ok, great info.

Thanks Samson and Dip.

Okay looking through the pictures on the website I’m seeing brand new BMW’s, and no really cheap junky cars like what mine is gonna be like :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t wanna show up there and look like and idiot with a 90’ integra lol, but I do wanna at least try this out…

im down for this

True a lot of the cars are up there. Ive had everything from a gallardo, nsx, and mseries bmws to stock s13s, 90 tegs, civics and what not.
So far for th e21st i have

mustang (fox body)
mustang (newer body?)
and i should have a few TARGA preped porsches and possibly another 510 or 240z
and its remored that an A31 Cefiro may show (doubtful)

bring what ever you have.
Last year everyone got along great no matter the cars.

hah, yea very doubtful.

So true, people from kitchener have a hard enough time making it to the track without breaking down, let alone around it.

i’ve lived in Toronto for 2 years now…please don’t associate me with the majority of clown shoes in kw.

during track season you live in kitchener

and no one specified that it was YOUR A31 that we were speakin of…
there are 5 others in canada…