Did any of you guys catch Courtney Cox pleasing her self with a toy at the end of the show, damn that was hottttttttt


i dont have a link it was just on TV, i just remembered that they are playing back to back episodes so she will be doing it again in about 10 minutes… everyone must watch its sooo hottttttt

show sucks

i tried watching some of it last night… ended up falling asleep during it. thought it was weird/boring. kinda upset i missed the best part now!! maybe it will get better?

Yeah I have watched both episodes and I agree. I really cant get into it that much but that part was pretty damn hot.

I want The Shield back, now thats a quality show

:word: i got excited when i saw a preview for the new season, then pissed off when they just said coming soon.

You saw a preview? where!!! i need to see it

someone get me that link

anyone who ever believed that DIRT was going to be good seriously needs to diaf

i saw it last night at 2am.
shes definetly a “fuckable” woman.
That dong was small though…lol

the ad where shane and vic are standing at a grave? that was a pretty cool ad…

oh so… who has link of this?

all this talk… now i gotta see

yeah that commercial, when it first came on i was “i almost forgot Lemmy was killed” then i was “oh yeah!!! Shane killed him!!!” and i got all excited for the new season.

the commercial:

thank you. I need a date so i can do a countdown :slight_smile:


Do I have to do everything around here?
