Sons Of Anarchy

Anyone watch it ?


yep, been watching it. DVR’d then caught up when I had time, and could Fast Forward commercials!

Same here. They are all free OnDemand, too, without commercials.

Fios or Comcast? didn’t notice, but it would be a lot nicer to watch without commercials. I can’t stand live TV with commercials anymore, if I’m going to watch anything it gets recorded so I can ff the commercials!

DVR’d it then watched the whole thing in one sitting…lol

Pretty good show…

caught the season finally yesterday . Leaves a lot of questions on whats going to happen next season

best show on tv. plus the show has killer music

yep awesome show!

good show indeed. FX ordered a 2nd season about a month ago.

This is a great show.

If you missed a few of the episodes, you can catch them at Fancast SoA

There are 6 full episodes and a bunch of clips.

/\ that’s actually how I noticed it…

Sorry Shag I should have done a search

it’s ok i wont feed you to the one niners!

Nah…Just take care of it in house.

Make it ghetto.

Make it gansta.

Isa sorry Mr. Shaggy please don’t whip me it is just the noob still in me. LOL


how about a fire hose to side of head with full nozzle ?

whacker :slight_smile:

Only a charged 2 1/2 . L.O.L

i watched the 11,12,13 aka the last 3 episodes of the season. i love the show now and want to watch the other 10… my mom has been tellin me to watch this show since the first episode. but i refused till i saw others watched it also and liked it. cant wait for the next season i will watch all episodes.

I don’t know about best show on tv, but it is decent. I missed the first 3 episodes (forgot to add to tivo), so I’m waiting to catch them. The finale kicked ass. Looking forward to more episodes. Too bad FX will take 2 years to bring them out.

Rescue Me is still the best show on tv IMO.