
This… The goal is to win not to look good.

If anyone has one laying around we can put one on my ford escort. Could be teh f4starrrrr.

Im willing to bet, the team behind the car has done extensive testing comparing
lap times with and without the fwing. It would make sense if they never revealed
actual data (such as w/fwing vs w/o) pertaining to tests/lap times.

Its all about gains. If they put the wing on, and times were slower- you can bet
they would remove it and go with the old-splitter setup. These are all assumptions,
since without any real test data released, its all speculation.

There is a lot of confidentiality that comes attached to developing/testing aero’,
but I find it hard to assume when the test is not ‘controlled’ (human-driving error)


that photo is a good example of wings being mounted on real racecars consistently being lower than anything Rado has done. But that introduces a debate as to whether or not that’s due to rules or function.


COME ON…thats fucking sick. and lower than the audi

looks sick due to andy blackmore. I bet that 2 foot splitter generates more downforce than the wing.

AFAIK, The wing up high was more efficient because the air is “cleaner” meaning less turbulence allowing each bit of air to help. With it down low in the bumper, it’s “dirty” air where there is a lot of different air pressures which may/may not allow the entire wing to provide equal amounts of downforce throughout the length/width.

I’m guessing the main reason he mounted it down low is for his own vision.

probably right.