"disobeyed traffc control device"

Bottom line. I got pulled for 95 in a 65. Was straight up with the cop, he returned the favor and wrote me for “disobeyed traffic control device”. His deposition says “did disobey 65mph sign at 85mph”. Town of grand island.

Obv I’ll be pleading not guilty. But if I do get convicted of this, does it carry points? And idea what the fine would be?


2nd result link has all the info.

And I doubt it will get reduced further considering what the cop put in the supporting depo.

That’s normally what the courts let you plead down to. 2 points, non-moving violation.

Yeah just pay it.

I assumed that given the depo it won’t get reduced. Thanks for the link. Was really
hoping to avoid points but oh well

95mph through grand island? damn was someone dieing?

That depo is fucking hilarious.

I lol’d at that

Take the deal.

I got one of these from a Town of Tonawanda cop on Elmwood near the 290. 75 in a 30. Thank GOD I worked at the hospital. I wound up getting a parking ticket and school.

I got hit with that one.
Take it. I think two points.

Yeah, I got hit with that 97 in a 65. 2 points.

Had to drive like 4 hours to attend court though. :tdown:

Fuck I’d rather have the damn speeding ticket and sic my lawyer on it. Pay through the ass but 0 points

“got a hungry lawyer that’ll eat the case”

Never plead guilty. If you are worried and have a history, hire a lawyer. If you don’t have a bad driving record, send in a not guilty plea. when the court date gets set, call and request to change it and have a date in mind to change it too.

You can sometimes get it so the cop doesn’t show. If they do, just tell them and the DA you drive for work and requesting a non point reduction so you don’t risk losing your job.

Be happy that you got off with an 1110a, he could have cited you with a 31 over and arrested your dumb ass. Get the fuck out of here with this stupid thread.

edit And you’re an idiot to think your lawyer could get you out of this. Just because your ticket says 1110a doesn’t mean they don’t have a record of you doing 95. You want to play with the system? Let me know how your ass feels when it’s all over.

Guh guh guh guh is all I hear when you talk because there’s an immense black cock in your mouth

and FYI when you have money to throw at a problem it usually goes away. I’ve been down this road before.

Regardless if there is “record” of him doing 95, the offense written down on the ticket is the most that can be given to him now.

The judge can’t just say “oh well you’re going through the legal system in the way that you have the right to, so I’m going to give you a higher charge”

Worst that can happen is you get the offense on the ticket


Love it.

“I was pulled over in New York State for going 79mph in a 55-I gave the officer my lisence and PBA card-He went to his car to check my lisence and then came back with a ticket and told me he gave me a ticket for a Disobeyed Traffic Control Device because my PBA card wasn’t current and that the ticket would be 2 points on my lisence instead of 6 that the speeding ticket would have given me…My question is that is there anyway out of this ticket because he wrote a ticket for the wrong infraction on purpose…???…Thanks”


"Sure. The court can dismiss this ticket and the officer can reissue you the 6 point ticket. "

lol’d again.
Since when is a speed limit sign not a traffic control device? :o

Plea not guilty and get it reduced. Worse thing that can happen is you end up with the 2 point ticket you were issued.