
a friend of mine just got pulled over for doing 63 in a 45… his records clean (got a ticket for a red light but bumped down to traffic violation)… hes the same age as me 18 …

the story goes as he said … he was driving down transit from walden towards william in lancaster and was trying to catch up to a friend he knew so he was doing 60 and he caught up and was cruizing next to him talking…they get to the light at william and an officer pulls up behind him. he makes a left onto william and the officer follows… then a lil while down the road he turns his lights on and tells him he was speeding back there…

he had a radar and his radar never went off so i cant figure out how the cop got him…

what is anyone thought

Dont argue…pay it…move on. I have been ticketed and the cop was “pacing me” even tho i watched him fly up and never match speed with me and I wasnt going anywhere what he claimed i was…FU DEPEW!

yea just bend over and take it. seriously, trying to argue your case is just a waste of money/time

i could tell you enough stories to keep you entertained for hours, but im tired

what do u think hes gonnna have to pay for 18 over… and is there points on the license

i think its a 4 point ticket, but plead it down and since he has no marks, id imagine a 2 point and school or parking tickets and school. buttttt lancaster blows, so who knows

Send the ticket in not guilty. He’ll get a letter with a court day, if it’s his first offense when he does go in most likely the DA will drop it to a parking ticket or two with no points.

^word to what FuzzyFish said.

I know it wasn’t your friend with the beige camaro.

it woulda taken him longer than the length of transit to reach 63.

Lol @ beck…

i say plead not guilty and u will get two parking tickits and about a 150$ fine

so should i just tell him to send it in not guilty and he will get a letter in the mail for a court date…

what about the court date on the ticket…

that is to show up to plead and he will have to get another court date after that one. Depew wasnt too bad, it was jsut slow.

just pled NG, it will be reduced… it is a 4pt violation… i wouldnt argue it anymore, not worth it.

plead down…hefty fine…school…parking tickets…no pts. My dumbass racked up over 25 speeding tickets in my early yrs and I have 0 pts to show for it.

so just send it in and say not guilty… get a court date and plead down…

:tup: yep!

that’s what i did. I had the same thing in royalton (63 in a 45), and when I got there, they couldn’t find the cop’s copy of my ticket for some reason. Even with my priors, I got a $120 fine (with no court fee) and no points :slight_smile: