That came out great, nice job!
i need to get some of that aircraft remover. where did you pick that up?
Lookin good man
yeah where did you get that aircraft remover?
u can get that at almost any auto parts store or best off at al-will auto refinishers. tell them Tom from culligan autoplace refered u.
i just picked it up at autozone…they had the paint on stuff and the spray on. I’d imagine the brush on is probably a better value for the $$ and would probably work better, but the spray on is most likely less messy.
very nice man :tup:
nope, spray on will work just fine…
Yea the brush on stuff works a lil better but can be more of a mess if ur not careful
^^sweet thanks, thats right down the road from me :tup:
did you clear them afterwards? if not, I would, that exposed lettering will tarnish.
otherwise, looks real nice. :tup:
If it’s aluminum, I think he’s fine. As long as he doesn’t drive it in the winter.
hes fine… it wont tarnish too bad at all… i actually took the time to take the h22 valve cover and POLISH the damn thing… what a waste of my energy… to many hours of work… if u like shiney objects i still say its not worth it… do like this guy and paint… dont polish… POLISH THE LETTERS THOUGH!
bah, looks real good in the pics…now that I’ve seen it in better light, doesn’t look that perfect in real life. from 3 feet away it looks good. Up close, you can see all the differences in the wrinkle pattern/tightness. Definately would turn out better spending more prep time (I flew through it). And painting it with slightly lighter coats in much warmer temps would most likely yield much better results. Anyway, here are the pics installed.
i still think it looks hot. :tup:
i can see what your talking about in the one pic, where the winkle paint looks like grandma’s dry skin. i think a hammered texture would be better than the wrinkle, and yes warmer weather and MAYBE more prep could yeild better results
Hmmmmmm, they have a sweet graphite colored hammer paint out. That would probably look reeeeeeeal good. And that stuff, you just can’t fuck up, it’s almost impossible.
yeah, too bad my valve cover is gay plastic cause ford is gay
i used that airplane remover on my block last night… it worked really good, next is the valve cover. i was hopeing it would take off the rust off the block too but it didnt. so i’ll just wire brush it right before i paint it.